Last week on December 4th, Truth Pharm, alongside Sackler PAIN, Relatives Against
Purdue Pharma, Vilomah Foundation, Harvest Healing Foundation, and other activists, rallied
at the Supreme Court during the Purdue Pharma arguments. The Sackler family, who played a
major role in igniting the opioid epidemic through its manufacture and unethical marketing of
OxyContin, filed for a bankruptcy plan which essentially removes any future liability through a
loophole known as third party releases. By paying $6 billion in settlement money, the family is
gaining immunity and “clearing” its reputation. This plan is unconstitutional, as the Sacklers are
shielded from being held accountable by future families for their role in the opioid crisis.

Truth Pharm Executive Director Alexis Pleus speaking at “Last Chance for Justice” rally.
Truth Pharm’s Executive Director Alexis Pleus spoke at the rally on why many consider
the case to be confusing, “Do you know why it’s confusing? Because none of us would be able
to get away with this… Do you know how many families I know who had to declare bankruptcy
because they put their loved ones through treatment? Hundreds of thousands of dollars, lost
their retirement, lost their homes, and end up being bankrupt. They didn’t get any sweetheart
deals. They ended up with dead kids.”
Money, which was to be distributed amongst local, state, and tribal governments, as well
as individuals, does not come close to bringing back the lives that were lost. Money is not the
solution. Justice remains to be served to those who have been and continue to be affected by
this epidemic, either directly or indirectly. Under this bankruptcy plan, future generations will be
unable to seek the justice that they are entitled to, and policy will not prevent future bad actors
from taking advantage of the American people in similar fashions.
Truth Pharm and impacted families’ mission to destigmatize, educate, and prevent other
families from undergoing the same suffering we have is fulfilled only when action is taken. We
hope that by rallying, actively taking a stance, and voicing our ills, change will occur. In order to
prevent the same atrocities from happening in the future, the Sackler Family must take
responsibility and aid organizations in curbing this epidemic