Students gathering in the memorial cemetery.
On April 9, 2024, Truth Pharm held a rally at Albany’s West Capitol Park featuring our memorial cemetery consisting of handmade tombstones, creating a powerful visual in front of our State Capitol building. We were joined by 40 students from SUNY Oneonta who study policy and addiction. They helped us advocate for budget and policy changes to provide better support to New Yorkers impacted by substance use by meeting with legislators and demonstrating in the halls of the Capitol building. Teams of advocates delivered “Due Immediately” notices to demand the implementation of the New York Senate’s proposed budget related to the opioid epidemic, and two pieces of life saving legislation.

“Due Immediately” notice that was distributed to Albany legislators.
Currently, Governor Kathy Hochul intends to cut funds and limit treatment options. The lack of funding and appropriate attention paid to the overdose crisis has forced Truth Pharm and other organizations to take measures to capture authoritative attention, such as setting up our memorial cemetery representing countless family members and loved ones from New York State. We were advocating not only for budget allocation, but also for several pieces of legislation which would be supported by this funding, including the “Naloxone Everywhere” bill and “Safer Consumption Services Act,” both of which would save the lives of countless New Yorkers.

Student advocates listening to speakers during rally.
It is essential for Governor Hochul to declare a state of emergency, as we have lost 40,000 New Yorkers to overdose over the last 10 years and fatalities only continue to skyrocket. We believe that New York State communities must must collectively voice our truths to lawmakers, and let them know that we will no longer stand for inaction. We are encouraging to community members to make their voice heard as well – to speak to the NYS Senate Leader, Andrea Stewart Cousins and express the need for these budget allocations and legislation, email scousins@nysenate.gov or call (518) 455-2585. To speak to NYS Assembly Speaker, Carl E. Heastie, email Speaker@nyassembly.gov or call (518) 455-3791. To speak to other legislators, you can find their contact information at https://nyassembly.gov/mem/leadership/. If emailing, please CC Truth Pharm at truthpharm@gmail.com. It is of paramount importance to demand proper funding and acknowledgement of this crisis. Every voice makes a difference.