Caring for others during COVID-19 Pandemic


Truth Pharm was born as a result of tragedy caused by the opioid epidemic, but we’re different from other organizations born from the same tragedy. We are an anti-harm organization: we believe that at all points in time, there will be people who use substances – some for recreation, some for pain, some for mental health reasons, some because they are addicted. 


Our clients continue to be faced with even more hardships during COVID-19, but the work of Truth Pharm has not skipped a beat and has provided even more resources and help for our clients.  Some of the activities that Truth Pharm pulled together very quickly: 


❈  Virtual Overdose/Narcan Training:  The need for Narcan did not diminish during the pandemic. As lives were in flux and stress increased, the risk of overdose for people who use substances increased. Truth Pharm Rainmakers provide Overdose/Narcan training virtually, as opposed to in-person, to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure. Safe curbside Narcan drop offs have been successfully completed several times. To access a virtual Narcan training, please contact Truth Pharm either by phone, facebook messenger via the Truth Pharm Facebook page, or via email. 

❈  Care Packages:  A total of 140 care packages have been assembled (TWICE!) and delivered to Truth Pharm clients.  The care packages contained a great deal of items for everyday use, including personal care items, food and even activities to help pass the time during COVID isolation.  In addition, Truth Pharm put a plea out to the community and obtained microwaves and refrigerators for those without. Currently, Truth Pharm can assist with personal care items through our Hope Holder’s Project and provide lists of community resources that assist with food and pantry items. 



❈  Housing Assistance:  Many clients remain homeless and unable to find or afford housing.  Homelessness and housing insecurity puts individuals at greater risk of contracting COVID-19.  Truth Pharm’s Community Health Workers and Rainmakers have spent countless hours advocating and securing temporary or permanent housing for their clients which was funded through our Opioid Cohort project. During the early months of the peak of COVID-19, Truth Pharm spent over $4,000 on hotel rooms for our clients who were in dire need of emergency housing. Housing continues to be a challenge for many. Unfortunately, the funding for that project ended September 30,2020. Currently, we recommend calling 211 to connect to housing resources in the Southern Tier. 


❈  Keeping in Touch:  Truth Pharm’s Community Health Workers have maintained contact with their clients, coaching them on how to stay safe and how to decrease their risk of contracting Covid-19. If you or someone you know is living with substance use disorder and needs support on how to stay safe, please reach out to Truth Pharm. We’re happy to help. 


❈  Harm Reduction Works online support/discussion group:  An online group has been created for people in recovery, people who use drugs or are actively struggling with substance use. The group is hosted weekly online on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm. Find information about all of our events on our website at or our Facebook page.

Truth Pharm is thankful and always appreciative of help from our community.  

Ways that you can assist Truth Pharm is by:

✦  Volunteering as a Rainmaker

✦  Donating Good & Services            

✦  Donating Funds to support future projects


If interested in donating, please make check payable to 

Truth Pharm, Inc., and mail to P.O. Box 424, Binghamton, NY 13902                    
